General Reference/Tutorial

“Straight From the Garden” Flavored Chili Oil and
Urban Garden Experimental Chili Pepper Hot Sauce

I have an urban garden on my porch and always manage to get an amazing array of tomatoes (so far this year, 840) and Chili Peppers (over 300 shishitos and another 5-ish kilos of other chilis — I planted a dozen varieties: Redskin Sweet, Caribbean Red Habanero, Carolina Reaper, Red Cayenne, Shishito-Takara, Cubanelle, Jalepeno, Scotch Bonnett, Mad Hatter, Candy Cane, Texas Habanero and Bhut jolokia (ghost peppers). What happens when everything becomes ripe at the same time — well, you have to do something with the produce, so I ended up making Chili Oil and Hot Sauce. I don’t actually know how “hot” either of these are — they are spicy to me, but I usually have a fairly mild tolerance for hot things, so if you are a hot sauce aficionado, these cold be fairly mild. If you are going to make either of these yourself, mix your chilis according to your own taste.
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Low-Knead Cast-Iron Crisp-Top Dinner Rolls

Sometimes the things that should be so easy end up being so very very hard, comparatively. Like making crusty baguette-style dinner rolls (or sandwich rolls, or whatnot). I’ve experimented with various versions and finally — FINALLY — These might just be perfect. It’s another one of those very-little-knead (“no knead”) bake in cast-iron recipes. It takes a while — there is an overnight rise in the fridge involved — but these are really out of this world good. Definitely recommended. I am going to try whole wheat / multigrain versions of these as well, so stay tuned.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Honey Oatmeal Scotchies

I was lucky enough to be given some lovely local honey the other day. I love honey, and any time it is local, all the better. So, with a bit of said honey, I decided to make these Honey Oatmeal Scotchies — oatmeal cookies sweetened with honey and butterscotch chips. Very nice snack — or maybe to go into lunch boxes if kids are going back to school (big IF there, right?)
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Sweet Mirabelle Plum Crumble Bars

Mirabelle plums are one of my favorite fruits, but they are actually quite difficult to come by in the US. They are very small (in some cases, not much larger than a cherry) and have a fairly short shelf life. They are also a trademark yellow. I made do this time by finding similar small plum (a little smaller than a golf ball) but I had some mirabelle jam, which I put under the fresh plums on these crumble bars. They are quite juicy, a little tart and very yummy.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Olive Oil, Almond and Sweet Plum Cake

I am calling this creation a “Olive Oil, Almond and Sweet Plum Cake” but what it actually is is what happens when you take two of Joanne Chang’s Recipes from Flour Love — the Plum Frangipane Tart (page 230) and the Olive Oil Cake with Fresh Grapes (page 297) and combine them. Turns out, it’s pretty spectacular as a combination — it’s mostly the Olive Oil Cake recipes, but instead of grapes, I used tiny sweet plums. I’m guessing it would also work really well with cherries (pitted) or gooseberries as well. At any rate, glorious inspiration for an otherwise unforgettable Monday.
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