Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Wicked Twistah New England Apple Pie

Often people send me viral photos of cool looking bread design or fancy pie crusts. I love this but one of the things that you often see is the pre-baked pies, but never the end result. Like, what does it look like once You’ve baked it? Is the still as pretty? Or does it all bake together? I decided to give this style of pie — it’s really just a boring old double-crust apple pie, but with the fancy swoosh top crust — a go, and at least with this one, the pattern turned out pretty neat. Pleased with the result.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Apple Pecan Crumble Bars

Do you like apple crumble? How about pecan pie? Always on the go and eating stuff “out of hand” instead of with a plate and fork? Then these Apple Pecan Crumble Bars are the thing for you! Cookie-sized crumble bars with apple fruit preserves and chopped pecans. It’s all of you autumn snacking needs rolled into one! Continue Reading

Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Harvest Flavors Oatmeal Cookies

Harvest flavors. Autumn is my favorite time of the year, and one of the reasons is the foods. Apples, squash, warm spices, comfort food. This quick and easy cookie recipe isn’t purely fall-like, but the dried cranberries and cinnamon chips do make my mouth water for harvest flavors. Yummy. Continue Reading

Breads, Sandwiches/Paninis

Honey Rye Crusty Sandwich Rolls

So, I am headed out on my travels today — I know, it seems so strange to say that these days, am I right? — and I have this extra special tendency to take a long a sandwich, just in case there is no food. I also bring along apples, but that isn’t nearly as fun to write about. At any rate, I made the rolls this morning and will be makeing a couple of sandwiches shortly. There is nothing like freshly baked bread!
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