Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sides, Sweet Snacks

Orange and Hazelnut Sweet Focaccia

And here is something different: have you ever tried *sweet* Focaccia? Normally it’s savory, with rosemary or garlic or olives or just as a rustic accompaniment to Italian food, but I decided to make some with honey, oranges and hazelnuts. Wow! Simply phenomenal. I could see this along side a salad for brunch or even as a breakfast bread. It’s bursting with flavor, light, sweet and delicious. And it was another excuse to experiment with my sourdough.
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Country White Sourdough Loaf

Plain ol’ boring white bread: Country White Sourdough Loaf

OK, so it isn’t really that boring. It’s got a nice crust, an airy (though not much of an open structure) crumb and the taste is great, but I am still experimenting with the sourdough loaves. I prefer to make multigrains and mixes, but I suppose that I should get the standard breads down too. This bread did make a spectacular turkey, spinach and harvarti panini for dinner last night though.
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General Reference/Tutorial

Sichuan Chili Oil

This week, in my ingredient challenge game, we’re doing things with peppers and chilis and I remembered that I had a whole lot of Thai Bird Chilis dried from last summer, so I decided to make some chili oil. It’s pretty hot, so definitely designed as a finishing oil. It’s got a bit of sesame seeds and sesame oil in it as well. Spicy, but not blow your head off spicy!
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Lunch, Sandwiches/Paninis, Sides

Sourdough Kaiser Rolls

Brötchen/Brötle, Semmel, Weck/Weckle/Wecken, Bömmel, Schrippe, Rundstück, Laible, Weggen … and I am sure that I am missing some! Germans and their regional words for “bread roll” … English speakers aren’t much better, but when it comes to Germans and their love of the bread roll, it goes to a whole new level. These rolls even reference that Germanic culture in that they are Kaiser Rolls, with their distinct markings. I used a roll press to imprint them and they sort of stayed imprinted — I think my baker’s ratio made a little bit too lose of a dough (and I have to admit, Alice, my starter, was especially bubbly yesterday afternoon). These are delicious and light and perfect for breakfast with butter and jam, or a lunch sandwich. Just the perfect amount of crunch. Pleased with the result. You can also make them with poppy seeds or sesame seeds.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Strawberry Kiss Cookies

You know me, I am the queen of finding unique ingredients for my baking and this week is no different. I found limited edition Strawberry Ice Cream Hershey’s Kisses, so I though that I would make these Strawberry Kiss Cookies. How did I make the sugar cookies pink too? Nestle Strawberry Quik Milk Syrup. Clever, eh? They are very pink, very strawberry-ish and quite yummy with a glass of milk!
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