Breads, Breakfast/Brunch

Cinnamon Raisin Squirrely Bread

I know that I am going to step into the land of controversy with this week’s bread. There are camps on both sides, with strong, heartfelt opinions. Very few foods elicit such strong opinions (maybe Brussels Sprouts) as much as this: raisins in cinnamon swirl bread (well, raisins in anything, really). I love raisin, and as such, yes, this Cinnamon Raisin Squirrely Bread does indeed have raisins in it. Lots of them, in fact. Don’t like raisins, leave ’em out. No harm done. 🙂

PS: auto-spell check “corrected” swirl to squirrel so I went with Squirrely Bread instead of Swirly Bread. Seemed funny enough.
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch

Sourdough Marathon Bread

The weekly sourdough! Another “new-to-me” bread (though I had made it as a yeasted bread before): Sourdough Marathon Bread. Why is it called Marathon Bread? Well, other than it being chock full of good for you stuff, thus, likely a good way to carb-load for a marathon, I don’t have a good, specific answer. It does have grated carrots and finely chopped dried fruit (I used dried apricots but you can use anything that you like), plus sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Healthy, yummy, great as a breakfast bread and keeps you going all day with sustenance. I’ll definitely make it again (but with raisins or cranberries, I think)
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Lunch, Sandwiches/Paninis

Bauernbrot (German Farmer’s Bread)

Another sourdough experiment gone right. I know, I know, I’ve been going a little overboard with the bread-baking these past few weeks, but soon it will be summer and I won’t want to bake bread nearly as often. Anyway, this is a traditional German Bauernbrot — German-style Farmer’s Bread. It’s a combination of rye, whole wheat and high-gluten bread flour, and a wee combination of some typical bread spices: caraway and fennel seeds, a bit of ground anise and coriander. None of those spices on their own are my favorites, but put together, they do taste like traditional bread. And the loaf turned out fairly pretty so I am happy. Yay!
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Tropical Pineapple Coconut Crumble Bars

I’ve had a song stuck in my head for a day now. Do you like Piña Coladas? Getting caught in the rain…. Yup, all because of these here Pineapple Coconut Crumble Bars, I have been humming those two lines of The Piña Colada Song (mainly because I only know those two lines 🙂 ). It turned unexpectedly tropical this weekend in Greater Boston, so it was more or less appropriate eh?
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