First Sourdough of the year: Asiago + Rosemary Artisan Italian Loaf. Really nice crust on this one, great flavor, though I could see that one has to be careful with salt — the cheese is pretty salty. Great dipping bread with olive oil and garlic and would go great with some antipasti. Definitely one to repeat.
Starting off 2022…. I bought a pineapple. I don’t do that very often because about half way through, I realize that pineapple is pretty acidic and I lose interest. But I felt like buying a pineapple for it’s symbolism. There are lots: warm welcomes, celebration and hospitality, friendship. Have one (or a painting or sculpture of one in a doorway, and it might mean stop in for a chat. In addition, it reminds me of warm climates and it’s pretty yucky weather here in greater Boston to start out the new year, so maybe I subconsciously was dreaming of Hawaii or the tropics. Either which way, I decided to make the standard crumble bars to start of the new year. Delicious, as always.
These may not look like much, not particularly festive really, but they are really really yummy. I took my standard brioche-style danishes, added some raisins,dried currants and chopped dried apricots, and made them into extra special Sourdough Holiday Quark + Fruit Brioche-Style Danish. Fairly “plain” looking on the outside, but packed with flavor. If you can’t find quark — and goodness knows it is nearly impossible (I made my own) — you can substitute sour cream or creme fraise. Breakfast or a sweet holiday snack for days.