Dinner, Lunch

Rainbow Veggies + Chicken Curry Stir fry

This is one of my main-stay. go-to dishes. Super-versatile with the veggies and the protein, you can make this curry almost anyway you choose, at the spiciness level that you want, and it’s all ready in about the time that it take my rice cooker to make the rice (which is to say, 20-30 minutes). Also, it makes great leftovers for lunch the next day. And besides, who doesn’t love to eat all the colors of the rainbow!

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Breads, Dinner, Lunch, Sandwiches/Paninis, Savory Snacks

Rosemary Red Onion + Olive Sourdough Focaccia

I bought myself a new baking pan — what’s called a french slab, made of ceramic (from Made In Cookware) — and of course I had to try it out. Designed to make shallow pies, bars or, in my case, focaccia. I am super happy with how my bread turned out. It’s almost got this friend result on the bottom. It’s going to be great for snacking, but I think I’ll also try to make a nice Italian-style sandwich from it. Really light and airy.

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Dinner, Lunch

Irish-American Coddle (Made by a German)

This is Dublin Coddle, also known as Irish Potato and Sausage Stew. Now, I have no idea if this is authentic as I have never had it in Dublin, in Ireland…. or frankly anywhere at at time, so I hope that I am not embarrassing myself too much. Critiques — at least on the looks of things — are welcome. I will say that I like all the ingredients (onions, potatoes, bacon, sausage, broth and herbs) and together they tasted terrific and it wasn’t hard to make at all. At the end of the day, it is a bit similar to a German or a ‘standard European stew’. It’s a good way to end St. Patrick’s Day.

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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, General Reference/Tutorial, Lunch, Savory Snacks, Sides

King Arthur Baking’s Irish Brown Bread

I know that everyone and their brother makes soda bread around this time of year, and I am no different. This time, I made it with wholemeal flour, so a little darker, a little more rustic and really really quite flavorful. A nutty flavor, for sure. Not very sweet at all, so would go great with a sharp cheddar too. I’ll be back to sourdough making soon enough, but this was great for this week! This is the recipe from the KA site and that is also where I got the wholemeal flour.

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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Leprechaun Balls (Jameson Truffles)

Right then, I had one more sweet thing to make for St. Patrick’s Day 2023, and here it is. Leprechaun Balls !!! Get your mind out of the gutter, they are just homemade truffles/chocolates with a healthy dose of Jameson Whiskey. They are rather amusing to me, so I will continue to call them Leprechaun Balls, and try not to choke on them as I eat said Leprechaun Balls. đŸ™‚

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