Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Pumpkin Butter Cinnamon Chip Oatmeal Crumble Bars

Yes, I know that I am sometimes known for my unique flavor combinations, but hear me out because these are great, if you can find the ingredients. Pumpkin Butter Cinnamon Chip Oatmeal Crumble Bars definitely need to be part of your autumn dessert or snack repertoire. Pumpkin butter can be bought (seasonally) at Trader Joe’s (online as well, and I have seen in some other specialty shops) and cinnamon chips are made by Hershey’s and I have found them (also in autumn) at Stop and Shop, Walmart and some other regular food shops where you normally would find the chocolate chips. They are a great little alternative to making a whole pumpkin pie and would also great on a cookie or snack platter. I was skeptical of the pumpkin butter, but it’s surprisingly good.

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Gravenstein Apple Jam

Gravenstein Apples are some of my favorites. They are “old school”, “antique” variety, allegedly from Denmark in the late 1700s so I am always super-happy when I find some. Thankfully, my local orchard does have a limited amount of Gravenstein trees, so when I went up to the farm a few weeks ago to PYO, I got some. And to make them last longer, I made Gravenstein Apple Jam. It’s seriously like having apple pie for breakfast on my toast, but it would also be great in oatmeal (like a make-your-own Apple Crumble!) and really, who wouldn’t want apple pie or apple crumble for breakfast!

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