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Sweet Snacks

Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Apple Berry Breakfast Strudels (or Afternoon Tea Pies)

Things have not been going tremendously well in the “time management” department these days … that is to say, “real life” has been so busy, that Cup of Sugar :: Pinch of Salt has taken a bit of a back burner (no pun intended). It’s overall tremendously frustrating, that. But in an attempt to make myself feel better, and it’s a misty miserable morning, I made these mini-pies, aka breakfast strudels. Pie for breakfast: always a cure all.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Nantucket Bike Path Cookies

I think that I have found my favorite chocolate chip cookie. I know that I have said that before, but these are really really good.

These are a variation on Allie’s Nantucket Bike Path Cookies from Through Her Looking Glass; my variation uses white and semi-sweet mini chips and hers used chocolate chunks, but otherwise very similar. And I love the name, even though I don’t know that they are 100% Nantucket-y. I am not sure what would make something 100% Nantucket-y anyway (and I live in Massachusetts!). These do have cognac in them, which is the kicker and makes them so good. I might just have to start butting cognac in all my cookies!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Peach Pecan Oatmeal Cookies

I’m still on my summer flavors kick, with these Peach Pecan Oatmeal Cookies. They are, of course, made with dried peaches, so they aren’t really summer and you could make them year-round, but they are inspired by my love of summer and the amazing bounty available. Quick and easy to make; super healthy too.
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Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Maple Blueberry Apple Crumble

Dinner. OK, I guess for most people it would be dessert, but I skipped breakfast AND lunch then had this for dinner. I think it was a good trade off! If you decide to make this as a dessert, will seriously the easiest one ever. It took me less than 10 minutes to make (the time to cut the apples and then mix together the crumble. Bake for 20 minutes and voila… by the time your guests have finished dinner, dessert is ready. Frozen blueberries work too (try to find the smaller “wild” variety instead of the larger cultivated ones). Delish.
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Appetizers/Starters, General Reference/Tutorial, Savory Snacks, Sweet Snacks

Fig Honey and Thyme Jam

This week, I found myself in possession of a pound and a half of fresh figs. Not sure really how that happened, as figs are expensive and while you can find them a lot of places, certainly less common than say, an apple. Anyway, I absolutely love figs, but there is no chance that I could have eaten all of them (and enjoyed them) in one go, so I decided to make this lovely jam with about 2/3 of the lot. It’s a sweet jam, of course, with notes of honey, thyme and orange, but it pairs really nicely with savory — would go great with pork, and as shown with this cheese (it’s manchego) or even charcuterie. Or mix it into oatmeal or yogurt, or yes, even toast. It’s surprisingly versatile and yummy to boot. Also, it is very easy to make.
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