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Sweet Snacks

Desserts, Sweet Snacks

“Pretty Lady” Apple Pie, with Hazelnuts and Calvados

It’s my Mum’s birthday tomorrow, and I can’t very well show up empty handed. When I asked her what type of a birthday cake she wanted, she said “something with apples” so while this is a pie not a cake, it’s a birthday pie. And it’s a “pretty lady” pie because it uses pink lady apples, it is also because my mum is a very pretty lady too.

It’s bad luck in German tradition to wish someone a happy birthday before their birthday, so I am not doing that yet though. 🙂
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Peanut Butter and Fudge Swirl “Moose Tracks” Cookies

Moose Track Cookies. I’m not sure exactly why I was enticed to make these. It’s turned to autumn here in the Northeast, and with that, all the pretty leaves. That makes me think of Maine (here I come next two weekends!), and somehow the fall makes me think of moose too. And Maine makes me think of Gifford’s Ice Cream. They have a Moose Tracks Ice cream that these cookies are sort of modeled after: vanilla with fudge swirl and chopped up peanut butter cups. I think other brands have this flavor too. This is a very stream of conscious type of post, but that is how it goes. Happy moose (track) watching.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Honey Blossom Honey Crisp Apple Tart

This is the 26th version of apple pie on my site to date. Sure, some of them add cherries or blueberries. Some of them are two crust, some lattice, some quirky cutouts as a lattice, and yes, some of them are swirls like this. What can I say: I really like apple pie. It’s one of the comfort foods (along with Spätzle) that I reach for first. And it *is* the start of apple season. Yup, that’s my excuse for making pie when I have 8 million other things that I should be doing today.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Flour-less Salted Almond Chocolate Bites

Cookies. Back to cookies, my all time love (though pie is a close second). I decided to experiment with another “flourless” (ie Gluten Free) recipe, not because I eat GF (nor medically need, obviously) but simply because when I saw this recipe, I liked in. It is *pure chocolate*. No flour, no butter, only egg whites and then powdered sugar, cocoa and melted chocolate. They are sort of like brownies, quite gooey on the inside and simply delicious. Happy I tried them out.
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