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Sweet Snacks

Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Coconut Thumbprint Cookies

Another weekend, another cookie experiment. I had actually intended to make a completely different type of cookie today — blueberry lemon pinwheel cookies — but my heart wasn’t in it apparently and I has a spectacular cookie fail. So I started from scratch, let my mind wander and ended up with these. If you can’t find the fine shread unsweeted desicated coconut, the shreaded sweetended will do as well. Simple to make and is fairly small batch (ended up with about 36 cookies).
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Bars

Chocolate? Check. Bourbon? Yep. Nuts? Sure, why not. Mix ’em all together and you get these lovely dessert bars that will rival any pie, but is much easier to eat(read: handheld). You could also skip the bourbon (but why would you want to?) and substitute walnuts for pecans. Any way you cut it, they are pretty awesome though.
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