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Sweet Snacks

Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Meyer Lemon Upside Down Cake

It is miserable out. It’s been blowing a gale, dark as night even the middle of the day and we’re under flood watch because of all the rain. I hate rain. Give me snow — especially in January — and I’d be much happier. Although I’d likely be bitching about the snow then too. You can’t win, can you? In the meantime, this Meyer Lemon Upside Down Cake practically *glows* with brightness. And it tastes equally as vibrant. Caramelized Meyer lemons and light fluffy cake. Give me some whipped cream and we’re golden!
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Meyer Lemon Macadamia Crumble Bars

Still on my Meyer Lemon kick… while they are available, I will eat them! So I thought I would use some of the curd that I made last weekend and make some crumble bars (aka shortbread bars). And what pairs nicely with the tropical flavors of Meyer Lemons — why Macadamia Nuts! While these were a bit annoying to cut (should have chopped the nuts finer) they taste amazing!
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General Reference/Tutorial, Sweet Snacks

Two ways to enjoy Meyer Lemons:
Lemon Sugar and Lemon Curd

It’s usually this time of year — mid January — that I get on my Meyer Lemon kick. Maybe it’s because these gems are so bright and colorful when New England is particularly dreary. Or maybe it’s because they are so plentiful in the shops right now — all three of my regular stores had them on sale this week. So I’m going on a little bit of a Meyer Lemon overload for the next few days. Here are two ways to keep them going for a few weeks longs — Meyer Lemon Sugar, which is perfect on fruit or mixed into tea and Meyer Lemon Curd, which is spectacular on fruit, in oatmeal, on toast or in yogurt.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Cardamom Lingonberry Thumbprint Cookies

Sort of Swedish Cookies. Sort of. I’m guessing that these are not *really* Swedish, because when I was looking for cookie recipes, I didn’t find these on the Internets, but the flavors are distinctly Swedish in my mind, so I went with it anyway. Cardamom always reminds me of a family friend from Sweden, who actually was the one who gave me the spatula that is pictured in the photos. She gave it to me at Christmas past so I thought it apt that I bake something that would match. Besides, I had some Lingonberry jam from IKEA. 🙂
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Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Caramel Rum Banana Bread

So, I’ve been trying to post this recipe for this absolutely magical Caramel Rum Banana Bread since it came out of the oven this morning. Every time I make a new variation on banana bread, I declare it to be “my new favorite”. but I think this one really tops it. It’s spectacularly yummy. And I’ve been snacking on it all day… banana bread, not just for breakfast anymore (it’s quite nice this afternoon with a cup of tea as well).
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