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Sweet Snacks

Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Almond Butter Cookies

A couple of years ago, I made these Almond Butter Cookies, which turned out great, so I thought I would revisit the recipe and throw it for a twist and add chocolate. They turned out really well too and aren’t too sweet, which is my favorite kind of cookie. Sort of like biscotti (though not nearly as hard), these go great dunking in coffee. Also, if you don’t have a funky cookie stamp, just use a fork to make a little pattern on the top, but definitely remember to chill them before baking, otherwise the pattern completely disappears.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate-Cayenne Cocktail Cookies

Back to cookies and back to chocolate. It’s been a few weeks. Where have you been all my life? 🙂

These cookies aren’t very sweet, so be forewarned, but they are spicy and delicious. And as the name might suggest, they actually go very well with a glass of red wine … or a cocktail (though I guess that depends on which one). They may not look like much — these teeny tiny cookies — but they are addictive!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Bailey’s Irish Cream Brownies

So it’s getting to that time of the year again: St. Patrick’s Day. And that usually means at least one stereo-typical foodie post on the matter. This year, that involves these Bailey’s Irish Cream Brownies. Even if they are stero-typical, they still taste good! 🙂
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Caramel Rum Banana Streusel Coffee Cake

A few weeks ago, I made this awesome Caramel Rum Banana Bread. It was pretty delicious, so when I had to make something “breakfast-y” for today, I decided to turn more or less the exact same recipe into a coffee cake by adding a streusel topping. Equally as epic… and it doesn’t hurt that you can say that you had rum for breakfast on a Friday! 🙂
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Apricot White Chocolate Cinnamon and Toffee Cookies

Another day of going through the pantry and finding loads more half used bags of chocolate chips and dried fruit, so along those lines — and because I didn’t have time to run to the shops and I had to make a bunch of cookies for a bake sale — here are another one of my “everything but the kitchen sink” cookies, sort of like the Chocolate Toffee Cranberry Cookies from a few weeks ago. They are even sort of healthy this time!
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