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Sweet Snacks

Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Browned Butter Bourbon Walnut Banana Bread
(aka Squirrel Bread)

So, a couple of different anecdotes to add today. The first one is: in German, a colloquial way of saying “hoarding” is “hamstering” (as in “I am hamstering toilet paper”). Kind of makes sense, right? Hamsters filling their cheeks with reserves (although that is when the whole TP analogy falls apart, because that would be a little gross to have TP in the mouth). I’ve always thought it a cute and funny expression.

The other story is this (and trust me, I’ll get to a point here in a minute): a few weeks ago, a friend of mine had a chocolate squirrel fall out of her freezer (sort of like chocolate bunnies, one of the companies in Germany makes chocolate squirrels around this time of year — wow, hamsters and squirrels and bunnies, all in one post) so she decided to add the now-broken squirrel into banana bread. For some reason, this struck me as funny, so this morning, as I made this Browned Butter Bourbon Walnut Banana Bread, I decided that I was just going to call it Squirrel Bread.

So there you have it, I am hamstering Squirrel Bread.
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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Easter Fudge Combo: Dark Chocolate Walnut Fudge and Triple Coconut White Chocolate Fudge

I have a tendency to make chocolates or fudge around holidays. It’s often completely impromptu — like I didn’t plan on making these two types until this morning, and had I not had the ingredients in the pantry, I wouldn’t have made them at all. I am very pleased that I did have the ingredients though, especially for the white chocolate coconut fudge as it is incredibly decadent!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Easter Blooms Linzer Cookies (Raspberry/Mango-Peach)

Sometimes, a photo turns out just right — and for some reason, I find these photos just lovely. I have baked literally tens of thousands of linzer cookies in my days and for some reason, the way that I photographed this batch makes me very happy. Sometimes it is all about the visuals — though these do taste pretty fantastic as well!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Easter Sugar Cookies

Easter is coming around again, another year gone. This year, admittedly is a little different with stay-at-home orders, social distancing and no getting together with folks to celebrate Spring. Nevertheless, I baked cookies. They are just sugar cookies, but I think that the glittery sugar makes them especially nice.
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