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Sweet Snacks

Candy, Sweet Snacks

“Nuts About You” Sea Salt Peanut Brittle

I’m not one for making a log of candy really…. sure fudge and truffles around Christmas and the like, but rarely candy, so this “Nuts About You” Sea Salt Peanut Brittle is a bit unique for me. It’s a very American thing. But it turned out well and makes a great Valentine’s Day present. Just watch your teeth — this stuff is hard!

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Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Hazelnut + Mandarin Bundt Cake

I did a (not-baking-related) training event yesterday and it was pretty intense which means I had a hard time sleeping last night. Insomni-baking at it’s finest came up with this bundt cake recipe. That I (maybe surprisingly, maybe not) had the ingredients at hand was amazing and its a very nice breakfast this morning.

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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Croissant & Custard Casserole for 2

Today is a very important holiday. I mean, critically important. Yes, it’s Lunar / Chinese New Year, but no, that isn’t it. It’s National Croissant Day! See, told you it was important. 🙂

I decided to mark the occasion not by making croissants — I have made them before and they are a lot of effort — so I decided to make something with croissants instead: this Croissant and Custard Casserole. Essentially it is an overnight French toast casserole or a fancy bread pudding made with croissants. Great for breakfast as you can assemble the evening before, and have it all ready to bake up in the morning. With the buttery croissants, this is a totally decadent breakfast dish.

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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Finnish-style Cardamom Cranberry Pulla

Back to a little bread baking, although this time it isn’t a sourdough (Alice in Wondoughland does need a workout, so stay tuned for that). Perusing the new Christmas Baking Cookbooks that I received, I did come across this one for a Finnish Pulla. It’s very similar to a German Hefezopf, only with the addition of cardamom and dried cranberries, and I decided to make this particular version partially whole wheat. It’s hearty and nutty and very yummy. Breakfast for a week!

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