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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Soups

Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Bisque

Catching up on something that I made for “red week” in my Cook/bake-a-long this week: Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Bisque. It’s really hearty but tart and “spring like”. As usual with creamed soups, it’s really hard to photograph, so I tossed in a few garlicky croutons. This recipe makes a whole bunch so it will feed a crowd and/or freezes well.

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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Pasta, Soups

Minestrone with Tortellini and Turkey Meatballs

Continuing with the theme of “OMG is it cold in New England”, here is a bowl of homemade hearty winter Minestrone with Tortellini and Turkey Meatballs, sure to warm you up and fill you up. It’s delicious. Also, coincidentally, February 4 is National Homemade Soup Day. Yeah, not joking, but coincidental because I made the soup first and then I heard about the “holiday”.

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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Soups

Carrot and Smoked Gouda Bisque

winter is soup season, and this one turned out great: Carrot and Smoked Gouda Bisque. It’s sweet and savory at the same time, righ and smokey too. Might even be healthy, except for the rich cream. Either way, it was delicious.

It is, however, hard to photograph. You might have heard me complain before: soups and chowders aren’t fun to photograph — monochromatic, often light colored liquid. [Yawn]. This time, I went for adding a few carrot swirls, just to give it some contrast in the picture. Totally unnecessary for the recipe though. šŸ™‚

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Dinner, Lunch, Pasta, Soups

Kartoffelschnitz und SpƤtzle (Potato and SpƤtzle Stew)

Comfort food.

We’re heading into January, the worst month of the year, and I am already seeking solice in comfort food. And this, for me, might be the most comforting of all the comfort foods out there in my opinion. Kartoffelschnitz und SpƤtzle (Potato and SpƤtzle Stew) It was a soup / stew that my Oma used to make when I was a child. It is winter food. Ward off the chills food. Very Swabian and regional to the Stuttgart area of Germany. It’s a rich, hearty, homemade beef broth, homemade spƤtzle (freshly made, frozen, or if you live in an area that has them, in the deli cases; avoid the dried) and not only spƤtzle, but doubling up on the carbs, also potatoes. Just what I needed today.

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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Soups

“Cheater” Simple Chicken Noodle Soup

I’ve started to feel a little under the weather (and the actual weather isn’t helping!) but hopefully nothing that a hearty bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup won’t solve. And of-course, I made Chicken Noodle Soup from scratch, but it is a bit of a “cheater” recipe: a rotisserie chicken from Whole Foods, meat removed and then the broth made from the carcass. Used little spaghetti-o pasta just because they are cute. Best soup that I have had in ages.

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