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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Lunch, Savory Snacks, Sides

Bacon Cheddar Chive Biscuits

While we’re wrapping up “Bread Week” here at CSPS, here is another bread-like recipe — Bacon Cheddar Chive Biscuits. OMG are these good. Absolutely phenomenal. I think the the trick to making them so flaky is to freeze the butter ahead of grating and then adding to the dough. It’s a little crumbly when you go to roll it out, but trust me, it will work. These are, hands down, the best biscuits that I have ever had. Here they are pictures as my breakfast,but they would also go great with soup or salad or as a dinner roll. Trust me, you’ll want to make them. Besides: Bacon. Cheddar. What could go wrong there!
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Breads, Sides

Garden Delight Focaccia

I had a bout of insomnibaking last night and this morning. I went to bed at a reasonable time, but then woke up at about oh-dark-thirty, thinking about focaccia. Yep, strange thing to be dreaming about, but I have been ruminating on this recipe for a while, so maybe less of a surprise than one would think. It is actually the base for a pizza/focaccia recipe from America’s Test Kitchen, and then I started drawing with veggies and grains. Anyway, believe it or not, I got up, made the dough for this and went back to bed. Then, as I always get up at about 5 AM, before work I made the rest of it and baked it off just before work. It is actually really good, so even though it is “artwork” (it actually looks like a 4 years old’s drawing), you can eat it. I could see an Italian restaurant serving this as a starter with olive oil and sea salt. Nom nom nom.
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Appetizers/Starters, Breads, Dinner, Lunch, Sides

Savory Parmesan Herb Muffins

Here’s a cleaver little twist on your standard biscuit — it’s a muffin instead! I mean, it tastes just like your standard, flakey herb and parm biscuit — great with soup! — but “individually wrapped” like a muffin. Either way, tasty and a great accompaniment to soups or salads, or even for breakfast along side bacon and eggs. Best to use fresh herbs in this recipe, as the dried sort taste chalky!
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