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Savory Snacks

Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, General Reference/Tutorial, Lunch, Savory Snacks, Sides

King Arthur Baking’s Irish Brown Bread

I know that everyone and their brother makes soda bread around this time of year, and I am no different. This time, I made it with wholemeal flour, so a little darker, a little more rustic and really really quite flavorful. A nutty flavor, for sure. Not very sweet at all, so would go great with a sharp cheddar too. I’ll be back to sourdough making soon enough, but this was great for this week! This is the recipe from the KA site and that is also where I got the wholemeal flour.

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Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Savory Snacks, Sides, Sweet Snacks

Blueberry Lemon Soufra

Something a little different today: a Blueberry Lemon Soufra. What is a soufra, you ask? It’s a Greek and Middle Eastern filo souffle pie. You fill the pie dish with buttered filo dough layers, folded or ruffled together, toast in the oven before pouring/ladling on custard. They can be savory (skip the sugar and vanilla in the custard) with spinach and feta or walnuts for example, or sweet as in this one with lemon and blueberries, or dates and walnuts, or any fruit or even chocolate chips. I made it for brunch (and truth be told, added some maple syrup over the top), but also would be a nice breakfast or lunch. Tastes best right out of the oven, and eaten the same day for sure.

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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks

Sun-Dried Tomato and Basil Crackers

Well, here’s something different. I’m still on my “summer tomato kick” (because if you aren’t getting good tomatoes now, when will you get good tomatoes?!?), but these Sun-dried Tomato and Basil Crackers can actually be made year round because you’re using the dried variety. I know that these may not look like much, but they are packed with flavor and would go great with cheese or dip or as an addition to a rustic charcuterie platter. You won’t be disappointed!

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Appetizers/Starters, Lunch, Salads, Savory Snacks

Bayerischer Wurstsalat (Bavarian-Style Sausage Salad)

More salad time …. and I have to say that I am prepared for the jokes …. this is Wurstsalat. Not the worst salad (it’s actually really good!), but Bayerischer Wurstsalat, Bavarian-Style Sausage Salad. Sure, might seem a little strange to make a salad out of sausage, but it’s yummy, refreshing and easy to make, something perfect for a Brotzeit (translation: savory snack or light meal), something that you would eat at a biergarten. There are actually many styles, predominantly from Bavaria and Switzerland, but also Austria, Swabia and even parts of France. Some include cheese as well, some have mayo. Load it only a piece of hearty bread or with a pretzel. In my part of the US, the sausage types are more limited (though that might not be the case with larger German-heritage populations) but I made do with German bologna. So bring on the worst jokes, I’ll keep eating!

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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, General Reference/Tutorial, Lunch, Salads, Savory Snacks

Spicy Tomato Ranch Seasoning Mix

If there is a “flavor profile” that I think of as “very American”, it is “Ranch” — every culture has one or a few signature flavors, and this one I think is pretty American. The packets that you can buy (like the Hidden Valley ones) are also a popular request item when I go to Germany. It’s actually not all that hard to make yourself — just got to get those ratios right — and this time, I decided to take my spice mixture to another level by adding tomato and chili powders. I know there may be some “Ranch Purists” out there that might not agree, but I think it is pretty darn good.

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