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Savory Snacks

Savory Snacks

Salmon and Oatmeal Cat Treats

So, remember a few weeks ago, I made Peanut Butter + Pumpkin Dog Treats and at the time, I did promise to make cat treats too. Well an eternity has passed, or so it seems, and I am finally getting around to making these kitty treats. They are Spencer and Sullivan approved and I believe quite yummy because I’ve had to hide them in the trunk of my car so that they won’t eat them all.
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Savory Snacks

Honey Glazed Mixed Nuts with Chinese Five Spice

Another little treat that works well as a snack while you’re waiting for the Thanksgiving turkey to come out of the oven, or while watching the ever-present footballs games, or even looking for a midnight snack. These Honey Glazed Mixed Nuts with Chinese Five Spice are sweet, savory, and salty, very sticky and totally delicious. And nut combo will do, but I went with almonds, cashews and pecans. Yummy.
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Breads, Savory Snacks, Sides

Multigrain No-Knead Bread Loaf

Cooler weather (though really, it has still been summery) makes me want to bake more bread. Most of the time, when I want a multigrain, I go to my standard Dakota bread, but I wanted to see if I could make a decent No Knead, bake in a Dutch Oven style. This didn’t disappoint. I happen to have some King Arthur Artisan Bread Topping, but you can also mix your own with a combo of seeds (sesame, sunflower, poppy, even pumpkin) or mix in some flax or even oatmeal. Turned out really nice for a first attempt. While it does look dense, it is actually lovely and light on the inside. Continue Reading