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Savory Snacks

Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Savory Snacks

Chanterelle + Caramelized Onion Breakfast Tarts

Here a bit using the of bounty from my weekend in Maine: Chanterelle and Caramelized Onion Breakfast Tarts with the chanterelles that I foraged in the woods myself. Let me start with this disclaimer: If you do not know your wild mushrooms, please don’t go foraging; just buy them in the shops. Even if you know your mushrooms, please be exceptionally careful. I have been “mushroom hunting” since I was a toddler with my family … it’s a German thing.

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Savory Snacks

National Pretzel Day, who knew!

Evidently, today is National Pretzel Day (in the US), so while I am feeling a bit homesick for Southern Germany this week — this is usually one of the weeks that I am home — I put together this platter of snacks: Brezn (of course), Obatzda (a Bavarian “pub cheese” that one often eats with pretzels), some salami and smoked ham, emmenthaller cheese, gherkins and olives. Bought forgot to add to the platter for the photo: radishes.

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Appetizers/Starters, Breads, Savory Snacks, Sides

Green Olive and Rosemary Focaccia

I haven’t been showing a lot of my sourdough bread baking lately, but here is a (green!) bread that I made this week: Green Olive and Rosemary Focaccia. I think that Alice (Alice in Wondoughland) was a little tired, because it didn’t rise nearly as much as I had hoped, but it still tasted delicious. I am a huge fan of olives though generally prefer black over green. These were bright and briney and with a little extra olive oil, the bread was great.

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Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Lunch, Sandwiches/Paninis, Savory Snacks

Bacon Caramelized Onion + Cheese Hand Pies

Sticking to the “mildly-Irish” Or “Irish-inspired” theme, here are some more hand pies, I do seem to be making a lot of these currently. They freeze really well and so I always have a lunch on hand. Definitely seek out the right kind of bacon, if you can. Avoid using streaky bacon, aka American breakfast bacon as the recipe will be either too greasy or too crunchy. If you can’t find Irish or British-style bacon, I’d go for Canadian bacon (like the kind in eggs benedict.

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