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Dinner, Lunch, Pasta, Soups

Veggie and Chicken Soup with Sacchetti

So it’s soup. Just soup. Really not all that exciting.

But when something so simple turns out so amazing that you even surprise yourself, you know it’s good. It’s still chilly and damp here in Greater Boston these days (at least it’s not presently snowing!), so I decided to make some Veggie and Chicken Soup, and I threw in some Sacchetti pasta (which is tort of like tortellini, but prettier!). Even my dinner guest, who hasn’t had much of an appetite recently had seconds and even wanted to take some home to have for lunch the next day. I’d call that two thumbs up. Simple. Easy. Good. Soup.
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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Pasta, Salads, Sides

“Go To” Easy Pasta Salad

Getting to be BBQ season here in the Northeast and it is the Fourth of July coming up so I thought that I would share one of my “Go To” side dishes. This pasta salad has to be one of the fastest ever to put together and is very neutral — no exotic flavors this time. I went for a little picnic out on one of the islands in Boston Harbor and snacked on this salad on the rocks.
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Dinner, Pasta

Lobster Mac + Cheese

Rumor has it, there is a big-ish football game on the TV in a little while. Rumor has it that the New England Patriots are playing in it. I’m a New Englander. I might care about the game.

So while I am sure there are lots of appetizer and snack food recipes going around today, I thought I would make something with an ode to where I live: Lobster Mac + Cheese. Maine Lobster. Vermont Cheddar. Made in Massachusetts. OK, that’s half of the New England States represented. Best I could muster.

And the Mac + Cheese? It’s yummy. 🙂
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