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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Soups

“Cheater” Simple Chicken Noodle Soup

I’ve started to feel a little under the weather (and the actual weather isn’t helping!) but hopefully nothing that a hearty bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup won’t solve. And of-course, I made Chicken Noodle Soup from scratch, but it is a bit of a “cheater” recipe: a rotisserie chicken from Whole Foods, meat removed and then the broth made from the carcass. Used little spaghetti-o pasta just because they are cute. Best soup that I have had in ages.

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Dinner, General Reference/Tutorial, Lunch, Sides

Cranberry Apple Rhubarb Chutney

As we get closer to Thanksgiving, I usually find myself wanted to make a variation on the “cranberry sauce” theme, and this is the 5th variation of a “sauce”, “preserve” or”chutney” that I have made. It’s not really like “the stuff from the can” but is very fresh, very flavorful and is a great combo of cranberries, apples and rhubarb. Yes, rhubarb. It’s nearly impossible to find right now and definitely not “in season” but I had stashed some in my freezer, for occasions just like this. It’s got a little bit of a kick with hot pepper flakes and a little bit of warmth from just a smidge of clove. Quite nice, actually. Will keep in the fridge probably through Christmas.

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Dinner, Lunch, Pasta

Sprinkles & Curls: Slow-Cooked Cherry Tomatoes
with Garlic and Basil

The other day, we had Peas & Pearls! Now we have Sprinkles & Curls. Ok, so it’s just a cute way of saying tiny cherry tomatoes marketed as “sprinkles” and curly spaghetti, but I think that it’s funny. And if you don’t have either, you can make this recipe with cherry tomatoes and regular spaghetti as well. A super quick mostly hands off meal but also super delicious. The tomatoes are just bursting with flavor!

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Appetizers/Starters, Lunch, Salads, Savory Snacks

Bayerischer Wurstsalat (Bavarian-Style Sausage Salad)

More salad time …. and I have to say that I am prepared for the jokes …. this is Wurstsalat. Not the worst salad (it’s actually really good!), but Bayerischer Wurstsalat, Bavarian-Style Sausage Salad. Sure, might seem a little strange to make a salad out of sausage, but it’s yummy, refreshing and easy to make, something perfect for a Brotzeit (translation: savory snack or light meal), something that you would eat at a biergarten. There are actually many styles, predominantly from Bavaria and Switzerland, but also Austria, Swabia and even parts of France. Some include cheese as well, some have mayo. Load it only a piece of hearty bread or with a pretzel. In my part of the US, the sausage types are more limited (though that might not be the case with larger German-heritage populations) but I made do with German bologna. So bring on the worst jokes, I’ll keep eating!

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Appetizers/Starters, Lunch, Pasta, Salads, Sides

Peas and Pearls Pasta Salad

Yup, it’s way to hot to cook so here is a salad. 🙂 I’m calling this one Peas and Pearls Pasta Salad. Peas are self explanatory. Pearls because of the perlini mozzarella. you don’t need to use orecchiette pasta, however I think it looks cute when peas or perlini end up nestled inside them. Don’t have baby arugula? Baby spinach or even watercress would be good too.

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