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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Soups

Roasted Tomato and Red Pepper Soup

I’ve been feeling sick with a cold the last few days, so comfort food was on deck — with a bit of spice to clear the sinuses. This Roasted Tomato and Red Pepper Soup was the perfect thing. Extremely flavorful, hearty and I added a bit of extra red pepper flakes so definitely spicy. Served with baguette with lots of cheddar cheese. Perfect thing for an “under the weather” January day.
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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Soups

Bacon Shrimp and Corn Chowder

It’s turned dramatically colder in the last few days. Not really surprising, given that it is the end of October. I refuse to turn on the heat until November 1st though. But, colder weather means warmer food so I made this lovely Bacon Shrimp and Corn Chowder for dinner last night. Now, soup is hard to photograph and chwder even more so, so even though the photo has a whole lot of white in it, you’ll have to trust me that the chowdah has a whole lot of flavor.
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