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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Roasted Cashew Chocolate Heart Cookies

We interrupt this summer of fresh flavors do to a year-round recipe: Roasted Cashew Chocolate Heart Cookies. Based on a recipe for peanut butter cookies, I thought I’d swap out the type of nut butter. This does not always work well. Some nuts have greater protein or more or less oil than others, so it’s not exactly a precise science. In fact, I ended up having the add an additional half cup of flour to make this come together correctly, and even so, they spread more than I would have liked. That said, they *taste* even better to me than peanut butter cookies. Yum Yum!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Red Currant Mousse Cake

Sunday was another neighbor’s birthday and you know me, that is just another excuse to bake something yummy. In all honestly, I actually hadn’t remembered that it was his birthday and was going to make this cake anyway, but now I had an excuse to give it to someone. Because of the currants, it’s got that whole sweet and tart thing going, but mostly it is an overload of whipped cream (not a bad thing!). Because I really suck at actually frosting cakes (much better at cupcakes), I decided to go with the rustic, exposed sides.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Raspberry Ricotta Cheese Cake

This cake should quite possibly be your go-to “I need to make a cake in a hurry” cake and “I don’t really have the time to deal!” cake. While it does take an hour to bake, the whole thing comes together in minutes. It is *not* a cheese cake: it uses ricotta cheese, hence the cheese in the title. It is, however, a lightly, fluffy, simple and flavorful cake. Serve with a bit of whipped cream and you know something, it’s also going to be my breakfast tomorrow morning.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Blueberry Margarita Cupcakes

Happy Birthday, Jean Jean Jellybean! Today is my best friend’s birthday and seeing she is a cocktail connoisseur and blueberry lover, I thought I would make another one in the series of “Cocktail Cupcakes”. While not a lot of tequila is involved, there is just that hint. Celebrate well, my dear friend!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Brown Butter Blueberry Peach Crisp

I highly recommend eating cobbler for lunch. Or crisp. Or crumble. Or whatever you want to call a crustless fruit pie with a oatmeal topping. Even more so, I advocate eating this very specific Brown Butter Blueberry Peach Crisp for lunch. Warm. Right out of the oven. With Ice cream. Trust me, your afternoon will be exponentially better if you eat this for lunch. Trust me. 🙂

PS: This is my entire platform … Pie for Lunch!
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