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Cookies, Desserts

Peach Cranberry Oatmeal Crumble Bars

Crumble bars are definitely my “go to” dessert (sort of like variations on the blueberry muffin are my go to breakfast item). I think that there must be at least a dozen crumble bar recipes on this site at this point. They are just so eary and the variations are endless. Sometimes I add nuts. Sometimes I add oatmeal. There is always fruit. They are always yummy.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Raspberry Chocolate Tart

Nothing says delicious to me more than the combination of raspberries and chocolate. A truly decadent combination if there ever was one. Enter this Chocolate Raspberry Tart. Raspberry jam filling and a heart ganache on top. Definitely to be served with whipped cream as it is so rich. Delicious!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cranberry Chocolate Chip and Toasted Walnut Blondies

Cranberries and toasted walnuts. For me, these count as winter flavors. Sort of like apples tend to be autumn flavors. It’s funny how my brain associates flavors with times of the year, eh? Seeing there is still snow in the air and the Winter Olympics are on the TV, winter food is fair game right about now, so I thought these Cranberry Chocolate Chip and Toasted Walnut Blondies to be perfect for an afternoon snack. And foolproof, I might add.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chambord Royale Mini Cupcakes

Happy Anniversary to CSPS! It’s been 8 years since I started this silly endeavor and happy to say that I still love it very much. It’s helped me in so many ways, I can’t even count. So to mark the occasion, here are some Chambord Royale Mini Cupcakes (Champagne Cupcakes and Chambord Raspberry Frosting. Happy Happy!
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