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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate-glazed Banana Hazelnut Snacking Loaf

2020: THE YEAR OF BANANA BREAD. Unofficial … or was it Official? … Food of the Pandemic. Rivaled only perhaps by our sourdough starters. Who knew there would be so much banana bread in this year? I think that I might have ten new recipes this year alone. And I couldn’t help but make one more loaf just to shut this year down. May there be lots of other recipe in our futures and thanks for being there this year. Tomorrow will be just another new day and we can make and bake and share something new and different.
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(Inter) Woven Heritage Apple Pie

So I’m plugging away at Cookie Madness, but I couldn’t help but make one last pie in these pre-Thanksgiving days. This one uses heirloom apples called Baldwins that I got at Russell Orchards last weekend. Very nice apples; firm and not too tart. Loving my lattice work too. The rim was a little messy so I used a leaf cookie cutter to pretty it up a little bit.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Blueberry Blossom Pie

As I mentioned last week, I am experimenting with pies — in advance of Thanksgiving — with neat designs. Last week, it was the “Wicked Twistah Apple Pie” and this week, I made a Blueberry Blossom Pie, because this is intended to look like a flower. What do you think?
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Rosehip & Almond Shortbread Bars

And now for something a little different …. Have you ever eaten roses? Yes, as in the flower that one gives on Valentine’s Day? The flowers turn to fruit (rosehips) which are edible. I commonly know rosehips from tea, but recently while I was in Germany, I found rosehip jam, and of course was curious. It’s a floral flavor for sure, though I am not sure I could identify the taste as ‘roses’. At any rate, I decided to make some of my crumble shortbread bars with the jam and some almonds and they turned out quite nice. I could see them being eaten with tea or coffee in the afternoon.
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