It’s Annual Cake Day so here’s my cake: the Magical Mocha Snowflake Cake! It’s January. It’s Cold. I have a cool (no pun intended) new Bundt Cake pan so voila! Cake!
Every once in a while, you come across a cool cookie cutter that you just need to have. OK, I do. Maybe not everyone. So I saw this one, believe it or not at a Dollar Store, and for $1.25, I really couldn’t resist. So, I made more cookies. Also not surprising with me. Almond. Vanilla. Chocolate. Great little snack for a cold January.
Every year at Christmas, I try to make a fancy dessert, and while a meringue pie isn’t all that fancy, it is a little more effort than an ol’ apple pie. So for this year, I made a Cranberry Meringue Pie, seasonally appropriate, I suppose, with candied cranberries. Very pleased with the outcome. Tart and sweet — and the sugared cranberries add a nice pop — and the meringue is very silky. It does take a bit of time to let things cool in between steps, but I think it’s worth it.
OK, here’s something a little different and I should have posted this a few weeks ago, on December 5-6 (St. Nicholas Day), but I was traveling at the time, so I’ll just post it now. In theory, these are just gingerbread cupcakes, but I made monsters out of them. Krampus monsters, that is. Now, thanks to the film that came out in 2015, most people know what Krampus is (think of them as Santa’s evil elves!) but it is a long-held tradition in Bavaria, Austria, the “Alpine regions” and part of Eastern Europe to have Krampus monsters kidnapping poorly behaved children during Christmas. All in good fun! Believe it or not, in Austria, they even have Krampus chocolates (like Chocolate Santa Claus).
(No, no flowers were used in the making of this pie. I just think the end result looks like a flower)
If I’m making pies in this Thanksgiving season, I might as well make two so two posts right after each other on the topic of pie. This time, blueberry that looks like a flower (ok, to me at least!). Blueberries make a notoriously runny pie if you don’t add corn starch to firm it up a bit. Alternatively, you can add Clear Gel (a pie thickener) or tapioca. If all else fails, add flour, but that will still make a fairly runny pie. If you don’t like a little messy, this pie is seriously delicious!