Every wonder why we put coins in “Piggy Banks” for savings? Historically, there was the notion of “Prosperity Pigs”, that the pig symbolized wealth, prosperity and luck, and putting a little something away for savings can never hurt. In Germany, the pig still has a place for luck (“Glücksschwein” — Lucky Pig) and often around New Year’s you see little marzipan pigs adorning sweets. Along that theme, I made some very vanilla-y Piggy “Lucky” Cookies, to help ring in the new year 2024.
The other day, over on the Stonewall Kitchen website, I found Gingerbread Butter. Seemed interesting and you know me, a new ingredient to try. So I made one of my staples — shortbread / crumble bars. These are flavorful, taste “Christmasy” and have a nice “goes with a good cup of coffee feeling.
So it’s that time of year again that I remind you that there is an entire page dedicated to my “Christmas Cookie Madness” here. If you want to know “the Story” or are looking for a recipe, you’ll likely find it there. And in the meantime, this happened recently….
Yes, I know that I am sometimes known for my unique flavor combinations, but hear me out because these are great, if you can find the ingredients. Pumpkin Butter Cinnamon Chip Oatmeal Crumble Bars definitely need to be part of your autumn dessert or snack repertoire. Pumpkin butter can be bought (seasonally) at Trader Joe’s (online as well, and I have seen in some other specialty shops) and cinnamon chips are made by Hershey’s and I have found them (also in autumn) at Stop and Shop, Walmart and some other regular food shops where you normally would find the chocolate chips. They are a great little alternative to making a whole pumpkin pie and would also great on a cookie or snack platter. I was skeptical of the pumpkin butter, but it’s surprisingly good.
These cookies remind me of stars on the American flag. Yep, I know that that is the point, I realize, but it actually struck me as I was editing the photos. You’re a grand old flag, You’re a high flying flag, And forever in peace may you wave. You’re the emblem of the land I love, The home of the free and the brave…. now you’ll have the song stuck in your head as well! 🙂 These are Graham Cracker style cookies and at Christmas, I had found these great star chocolates. Now all you need to do is set a marshmallow on fire and you’ll have yourself some s’mores. Or just snack on them as it. They are very flavorful, and like my last treats, very festive.