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Candy, Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Salted Caramel Crunch Cookies

So these cookies don’t actually look like much, but they do *taste* delicious. The other day, I found this Salted Caramel Crunch stuff at Michael’s Craft Store. Basically, it is hard caramel candy crushed up. I threw some onto and on top of my regular chocolate brownie cookies and the caramel crunch melted, and then hardened up again to make these cookies that are almost like candy. Quite sweet, very unique. You might need some milk with these!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Spiced Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

These are not Christmas Cookies… though they might look like it. And I might actually use them as Christmas Cookies in the future, but for now, they are just cookies for cookies sake. I added espresso powder, cinnamon and chili powder to make them a little more complex. Don’t skip the “chilling” step, otherwise you won’t get the crinkle effect. Definitely a winner!
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate/Vanilla Wafer Disk Cookies

A few weeks ago, I made these really yummy Vanilla/Chocolate Wafer Disk Cookies In my overly ambitious thought at the time, I was actually going to make these Chocolate/Vanilla (ie the reverse) Wafer Disk Cookies at the time too, but sometimes time gets away from me. Instead, I made them today and they are ever bit as delicious as the mirror image ones!
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