Harvest flavors. Autumn is my favorite time of the year, and one of the reasons is the foods. Apples, squash, warm spices, comfort food. This quick and easy cookie recipe isn’t purely fall-like, but the dried cranberries and cinnamon chips do make my mouth water for harvest flavors. Yummy.
I had intended to make rugulach. But then last night, just before I rolled up the rolls here, I found myself uninspired and frankly, a bit lazy. And I couldn’t find my ruler — and if you know me, I can’t cut a straight line if I tried. So, instead, I rolled the rugulach dough into logs, with the jam spread in the inside, and baked these Spiced Peach Swirl Cookies up this morning. Turned out it was a pretty nice compromise.
I was lucky enough to be given some lovely local honey the other day. I love honey, and any time it is local, all the better. So, with a bit of said honey, I decided to make these Honey Oatmeal Scotchies — oatmeal cookies sweetened with honey and butterscotch chips. Very nice snack — or maybe to go into lunch boxes if kids are going back to school (big IF there, right?)
Mirabelle plums are one of my favorite fruits, but they are actually quite difficult to come by in the US. They are very small (in some cases, not much larger than a cherry) and have a fairly short shelf life. They are also a trademark yellow. I made do this time by finding similar small plum (a little smaller than a golf ball) but I had some mirabelle jam, which I put under the fresh plums on these crumble bars. They are quite juicy, a little tart and very yummy.
So, these cookies are a little out of character for me: for starters, they are bigger, like the size of my hand. That is unusual for me as I prefer smaller cookies. And second, they use artificial colors in the sugar, which I do once in a blue moon. But back in late June, i made some fantastic strawberry jam, and then in mid-July, I found a strawberry shaped cookie cutter, so I knew that these cookies needed to me. They are actually quite yummy, with just a hint of almond in the cookie itself. And the homemade jam is great too.