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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Nuts about You Chocolate Trio:
Spiced Pistachio, Hazelnut Crunch and Maple Walnut Truffles

So, this weekend is a special weekend in the CSPS world. It was this weekend (yesterday, to be exact), six years ago, that the Foodie World of Cup of Sugar :: Pinch of Salt came to be. 2010 had been a fairly crap year, I’d spent most of January 2011 hiding in my kitchen making comfort food and then the inspiration came: why not make “something” of this. Of course, I had no idea that that something would turn into sharing all my experiments with you all, but here we are, six year on. Almost 1300 recipes. But who’s counting.

So, in honor of this little blog-o-versary (lame, I’m making up words again), I made some chocolates. They say that I am nuts about you. Because, I’m kinda nuts about you. Really. 🙂
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Candy, Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Witches Hats Cookies, for Halloween

I don’t typically make a lot of Halloween themed baked treats. I never get invited to Halloween Parties (do childless adults have those?) and you can’t really give away homemade stuff for trick-or-treaters. This year I did see these cute witches hats though, so I thought that I would make them just to giveaway. They are just sugar cookies with Hershey’s Kisses on top, then prettied up a bit. They are small, so just a bit of a witch, so to speak.
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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Sea Salt Almond Butter Buckeyes

I’ve never been much of a fan of peanut butter. Well, of like a PB+J sandwich. It’s good in baking and cooking, and I definitely like Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups, but just peanut butter…. eh, take it or leave it. Almond butter. Cashew butter. Even Walnut butter (though it is hard to find). Those I prefer more. At any rate, I thought I would make buckeyes, but thought I would put a twist on them and made them with almond butter instead. And sea salt. Love sea salt!
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Chocolate Cinnamon Dot Fudge

Ah yes, more chocolatey goodness for your valentine … and the second time that I am making fudge in a matter of weeks. Yes, that is unusual. But, given the success of the last type, I thought I would dare to make a second, and besides, I thought I would test out the melting capabilities of those lovely cinnamon chips that I have been using of late. Turns out they melt great, although I am not necessarily that much of a fan of the color. Oh well. The fudge itself tastes great and is super cinnamony. Love those warm chocolate and cinnamon flavors in this cold wintertime!
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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Peanut Butter Cup Fudge with Salted Bourbon Sugar

Full disclosure: This recipe used pretty much exactly from HalfBaked Harvest because it sounded so good!

Second peanut butter recipe in as many weeks, which is really unusual for me, as I am not really a PB fan. Well, ok, not a peanut butter on bread with jam (or anything else for that matter) fan, but once you pair it with chocolate … well, I am all over that, which is why I like this recipe. Super yummy. It is, however, really rich, so maybe just eat one piece at a time. OK, maybe two.
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