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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Holiday Chocolate Combo:
Dark Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Fudge and Toffee Crunch Fudge

Long time followers of my website know that the other thing that I have a tendency to make around Christmas Time (in addition to the mountains of cookies) is candy or chocolate. Sometimes Caramels, sometimes Fudge, sometimes Truffles. So this year, I went with another couple of types of fudge: Dark Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Fudge and Toffee Crunch Fudge. It’s a super-simply, absolutely foolproof fudge recipe that turns out great every time. And ready in a very short time frame. Try it!
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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Coconut Cardamom Ladoo, for Diwali

Next week is Diwali (Deepavali). I’m not Hindu (nor am I anything else), but in one description I’ve read, it described Diwali as a celebration of victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. Those are ideals that I can get on-board with. One of the things that many of my Indian friends have done is have given sweets for Diwali, so I thought that I would try making some myself. I’ve never made this type of sweet before, and I know that it isn’t a very traditional recipe in any way, but they were easy to make and taste amazing. So Happy Diwali to one and all!
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Candy, Savory Snacks, Sweet Snacks

Maine Maple Kettle Corn

Something a little different on the site today: Popcorn! I am actually a huge fan of popcorn and particularly the whole sweet and salty of kettle corn. I decided to make this type maple-based and OMG is it good. Really easy to double (or even triple!) If you are making it for a crowd. Best fresh, but will hold up to about a week and still be very yummy! Give it a try.
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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Salted Caramel Pistachio Dark Chocolate Bark

This might be the easiest chocolately snack ever. I decided to make a few treats to take with my on my travels and decided on this “bark”. The best part about it — besides being insanely easy to make — is that is can look neat just by breaking it into irregular pieces. It’s a little messy to eat with the caramel oozing out, and I’d suggest keeping in in the fridge when not snacking \on it, but man, is it good! Continue Reading

Candy, Sweet Snacks

Honey Chipotle Sea Salt Buckeyes

A few weeks ago, I bought some of these Eliot’s Adult Nut Butters. As I have mentioned here before, I am not a huge fan of BP on it’s own, but lvoe it as an ingredient, so it was time for some experimenting. Turns out these Honey Chipotle Sea Salt Buckeyes are awesome… and spicy! They weren’t kidding when they say “bold flavors”! But paired with the chocolate, and the whole sweet/salty thing with the sea salt, they are excellent. Certainly not your everyday Ohio treat. 🙂
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