I’m not one for making a log of candy really…. sure fudge and truffles around Christmas and the like, but rarely candy, so this “Nuts About You” Sea Salt Peanut Brittle is a bit unique for me. It’s a very American thing. But it turned out well and makes a great Valentine’s Day present. Just watch your teeth — this stuff is hard!
Christmas Fudge 2024: Dark Chocolate Pecan Fudge and White Chocolate Gingerbread Fudge
As many of the people who have been following this here website for a while know, I often make sweets and treats at Christmas Time, and almost all of my Christmas Presents are homemade, so here is another Christmas Present waiting to be devoured: this year’s annual Fudge. This year I made two varieties, one a little more traditional and the other a little more unique. I’ll let you figure out which is which: Dark Chocolate Pecan Fudge and White Chocolate Gingerbread Fudge!
It’s getting to be Independence Day Soon. OK, still a bit over a week, but here is a quick and easy idea for the holiday, if you’re going to a BBQ or potluck. And yes, I make fron-scratch brownies, but I won’t tell if you make the “from the box” type either. The M&Ms (and the peanut variety) are everywhere right now, so pick yourself up a bag for baking. Or sharing. Or just plain eating. This from scratch recipe uses melted butter and lots of chocolate in multiple forms. Positively festive!
Beginning to find my Spring / Easter-ish baking inspiration, just in time, I might add. Here is something happy: Spring M&M Cream Cheese Sugar Drops. They are mostly just drop cookies (a la Toll House Chocolate Chip), but they have a bit of cream cheese in them, which makes them just have s bit of tang. And of course, I overloaded the batch with two who bags of M&Ms (not one to do things by half measure). Colorful and festive and brings out the child in me. Something to add to your Easter Egg hunt, or to stash for yourself?
Right then, I had one more sweet thing to make for St. Patrick’s Day 2023, and here it is. Leprechaun Balls !!! Get your mind out of the gutter, they are just homemade truffles/chocolates with a healthy dose of Jameson Whiskey. They are rather amusing to me, so I will continue to call them Leprechaun Balls, and try not to choke on them as I eat said Leprechaun Balls. 🙂