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Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Blueberry Thyme Skillet Pie

Time for Blueberry Thyme Pie. I’ve had a few sleepless nights in the last few days. Lots of worries on my the brain and emotions are running high. This does not bode well for my already light sleep, so I tossed and turned until 1 AM, stared mindlessness through the extra innings of a West Coast Red Sox game and then managed a few hours of actual sleep from 2-4. Then I decided to make pie. Baking always makes me feel better and the bonus of insomnibaking is that one gets to eat pie for breakfast. The herbiness of the thyme balances nicely in this. If you have lemon thyme, that would be even better.
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch

Extra-Swirly Cinnamon Cardamom Loaf

I woke up this morning with a craving for cinnamon toast. Actually, I should say that I woke up at 3 AM with a craving for cinnamon toast, but managed to convince myself that I should probably not wake up the other tenants in the building by running the KitchenAid at 3 AM. I’m considerate like that [grin].

Cinnamon Swirl Bread has a long story in my life. My best-friend-forever’s mother has always made great Cinnamon Bread. Back in high school, I think that I begged her for the recipe at least once per week. Twenty five years later, I still have never gotten that recipe, but my own baking skills have gotten much better so that I grokked my own. This time I added cardamom as well. Cardamom always reminds me of a Swedish friend of the family, who makes this amazing cardamom cake. So between the two things (cinnamon and cardamom), this bread is one of those walks down memory lane.
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Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Swirls

My nickname from my Omi (grandmother) in Germany when I was little was “Schneckennudel”, which is a compound word (snail + noodle) which means, in essence, Cinnamon Roll. Not getting into the technicalities, but they are more like a Pain aux Raisin in Germany, but still. Ever since then, I think of my Omi when I make somethng like these for breakfast.

I drizzled honey over these swirls when I took them out of the oven, but maple syrup woould also be pretty great.
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Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Lunch

Asparagus, Spring Onion and Speck Quiche

Random Story: Back in the day, when I lived in Seattle, Ben had a colleague from Iran (via Canada). When he found out that I was German, the very first thing that he said was “Oh, she must make great quiche!” This confused the heck out of me at the time because apparently Germans are great quiche bakers and I didn’t even know it. Turns out that I have no idea where he got this perception, but nevertheless to this day, I think of him whenever I make a quiche.
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch

Big Ol’ Maple Cinnamon Roll

This pan-sized cinnamon roll is just the thing for Easter breakfast. Instead of making individual cinnamon buns, I wrapped the whole thing into one big one, filing the entire pan. Quite ingenious, actually. We then ended up slicing it just like you would cut a pie, but you could also take it out of the pan, and let people pull off a strip. Either way, a nice presentation and really quite simple to make.
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