Birthday Breakfast for America! OK, I’m not patriotic in the slightest (or if I am patriotic, it’s to more than one of my countries), but it is the 4th of July and I did make these very typical Blueberry Muffins, with an Almond Struesel (there is the German in me) topping. Great way to start off this celebratory day while up at a camp on the lake in Maine. Breakfast is good, weather is great, friends are fantastic!
And now for something actually good for you [grin]. Ok, so these granola bars so actually have chocolate chips in them (you can skip those if you like; add in more fruit) but on the whole they are pretty darn good for you. Wrap them in parchment paper or plastic wrap and they should stay good for a couple of weeks of lunches as the recipe makes 15 of them. Note that the recipe is versitile when it comes to the fruit and chocolate. On other words, if you like cranberries and dark chocolate chips, swap those in. Cherries and chocolate? Also good. Figs and cinnamon chips and add a bit of maple syrup? Great! Or go with the traditional raisins. Any which way, homemade granola bars are definitely the way to go!
Apparently today is a holiday. Or a “holiday”, as it were. The first Friday in June is apparently National Doughnut Day in the US. Yes, just what we as a generally overweight nation need: a day in celebration of the doughnut. And yet, when I heard that Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme were giving the little gems away, I decided that I could one up them by simply making my own, hence these Glazed Ricotta Doughnuts. For Breakfast. Before work. On a holiday.
If you are a frequent visitor of my website, you will have noticed that lately I have been into making these “crazy breads” aka “pull-apart breads”. While really no different than any other sweet breads for breakfast, I think that they are visually pleasing and actually, I like the texture as there are some bits that are crunchy and some that are soft. This one went a little overboard on the “going crazy” part though and over-ran the pan. All’s well that ends well though and it was no worse for wear.
Pet Peeve: The fact that Pepperidge Farms Frozen Puff Pastry comes in a package of two, and yet, they aren’t individually wrapped. The consequence of this is that you actually end up having to thaw both pieces and shouldn’t really refreeze one of them. I always ponder what to do with the second sheet, because invariably I only need one. I also ended up having some leftover mushrooms and half a bag of spinach from another endeavor, so I used the puff to make this savory strudel. Great as a brunch dish or lunch with a salad.