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Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Lunch

Spinach and Smoked Gouda Quails Egg Quichelets

So today, Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday is called Green Thursday in Germany (not the only name, and no, I am not Catholic nor generally religious, so I am not going into the whole details of why, yadda yadda yadd… you all have the ability to google for yourselves), and some people eat green food today. Typically things that are leafy and herby and spring like. This year, given my work schedule, it kind of crept up on me (and Easter is particularly early this year) so I had to do what was in the house. Although, in my house, this involves quails eggs and smoked gouda. So, yeah, I’m a little odd when it comes to stuff in my fridge.
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Cranberry Walnut Hot Cross Buns

And tis the season to start thinking about Easter. And Easter Food. Every years I make some sort of Hot Cross Buns, everything from traditional to last year’s with chocolate covered cherries in them, but this year’s I think are my favorite so far: Cranberry Walnut Hot Cross Buns, with Maple Glaze. Somehow rather New England-y with the cranberies and maple. Positively yummy!
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Apple Fritter *Muffins*

It was a few weeks ago that I made my Apple Fritter Bread. It was requested by guests (translation: my parents came to visit) that I make it again because it looked so good, but given my propensity to always try new things, I decided to take the exact same recipe to see if it would work as muffins. And you know what? They were just as good as the bread, which is to say that they were really yummy. The only thing that I had to change was to shorten the baking time. Revised as muffins recipe for your baking pleasure.
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Apple Fritter Bread

I love apple fritters, but there are two major issues with them: 1. often they are lacking in the apples and 2. fried food. Well, fried food could almost be acceptable, except that when I fry stuff at home, it is always a major production. And then there is the matter of what to do with the oil. So instead, I made this Apple Fritter Bread. It’s got tons of apples, is probably healthier because it is just baked, but yet it is still buttery, light and fluffy. And it is really easy to make so no worries there. Breakfast on a Sunday morning.
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