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Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Apple Berry Breakfast Strudels (or Afternoon Tea Pies)

Things have not been going tremendously well in the “time management” department these days … that is to say, “real life” has been so busy, that Cup of Sugar :: Pinch of Salt has taken a bit of a back burner (no pun intended). It’s overall tremendously frustrating, that. But in an attempt to make myself feel better, and it’s a misty miserable morning, I made these mini-pies, aka breakfast strudels. Pie for breakfast: always a cure all.
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Fresh Peach and Brown Sugar Crazy Bread

If you’re a frequent reader of my blog, you know that I have fallen in love with making pull-apart / crazy bread. I’ve made Maple and Brown Sugar, Garlic and Cranberry-Camambert. It’s just so good! No knife required, Nd it is more or less “pre-jammed”. Yum.
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Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Maple Blueberry Apple Crumble

Dinner. OK, I guess for most people it would be dessert, but I skipped breakfast AND lunch then had this for dinner. I think it was a good trade off! If you decide to make this as a dessert, will seriously the easiest one ever. It took me less than 10 minutes to make (the time to cut the apples and then mix together the crumble. Bake for 20 minutes and voila… by the time your guests have finished dinner, dessert is ready. Frozen blueberries work too (try to find the smaller “wild” variety instead of the larger cultivated ones). Delish.
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Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Reece’s Peanut Butter Cup Banana Bread

A few weeks ago, a friend’s daughter (who is 13) made him Peanut Butter Cup Banana Bread, which sounded yummy so of course I asked him for the recipe. I am not a fan of peanut butter on the whole (“good not great”) but if you have chocolate too, then I am all in. This isn’t her recipe (I modified by own “usual” banana bread recipe) but her’s looked awesome as well. So, thanks for the inspiration!
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