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Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Swedish Holiday Wreath

More pre-Christmas baking experiments in the works. Because I mostly give food gifts, I have to test out my recipes before making the final “masterpieces”. Some of them work well right off the bat, like this one. The saffron, orange, cinnamon and ginger work well, and I like the way the pearl sugar looks a little like snow, something we are missing this December in New England (yes, that is a little bit of a complaint … I like a little snow leading into Christmas!). Cardamom always reminds me of a family friend from Sweden. Happy memories!
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Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Cinnamon Cranberry Walnut Granola Bars

Things have been a little quiet on the blogging front these days, but I have been hard at work in the kitchen. Tis the season (at least for me) to work on the masses of Christmas cookies that I make. More on that later. For now, I thought that I would sneak in a quick recipe for something healthy and fall like, and good to kep the munchies at bay while you are doing all your holiday food prep. These granola bars are great — very harvest like. Yummy.
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Apple Blackberry Harvest Muffins, with Cinnamon Oatmeal Streusel

These muffins just scream “Autumn!” to me. Apples are self explanatory, but blackberries — the last of the seasonal berries — are always an early fall thing for me too (ok, it isn’t “early” fall anymore, but nevertheless). I also think they are a completely underused berry in the food world (I’ve even had people tell me that they are poisonous … errr, whatever). They are a little tart, but if you don’t like overly sweet breakfasts, then they are lovely addition to these muffins. Apple Blackberry Muffins … it’s what for breakfast.
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