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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Cranberry Pecan Banana Bread

So here we are on the day before I leave on vacation and I have half a dozen bananas that need eating. Or using. Or something. I suppose that I could just stick ’em in a ziplock bag and make banana bread later, but even though it is a wildly busy day, making banana bread was a bit of a creative outlet, so I stopped everything that I was doing and made this. Threw in some frozen cranberries too. Somewhat ironic that I am making something very autumn-ish on the last official day of summer, but whatever.
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Zucchini Cake With Ginger and Hazelnuts

Last week, I was given a whole bunch of zucchini (aka courgette for all you other-English speakers out there). And I mean a whole lot… like 10 meals for a single girl. Thankfully, I have ideas on what to do with zucchini that doesn’t involve just stir-frying it or adding it to ratatouille. This is a cake, for example. A very lovely harvest, autumn like cake with loads of zucchini, ginger, orange and hazelnuts. It can be made into a bundt shape or loaves like banana bread. Very yummy and will now be my breakfast for the remainder of the week.
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Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Harvest Spice Apple Cake

Apple picking starts this weekend in my neck of the woods. I didn’t go, but that means that local apples are available, so when I found some local Honey Crisps, I decided to make this lovely apple cake. It’s not a *pie*, but a *cake*. Perfect for either breakfast coffee cake, or for afternoon tea. The spices are cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and just a touch of cardamom. PS: You don’t have to put the apple rings on the top… I just thought it would look nifty. Now I think it looks a little like octopus tentacles.
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