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Blueberry Ricotta Muffins with Lemon Sugar Topping

I must have a dozen variations on the blueberry muffin theme here on CSPS, and here is yet another one. This one is unique in that I was mostly out of dairy and only had ricotta in the house, so I used that. Also, there is actually less sugar in these than some of the other sorts. They did come out lovely though, with that extra bit of lemony sugar crunch on the top.
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Caramel Rum Banana Streusel Coffee Cake

A few weeks ago, I made this awesome Caramel Rum Banana Bread. It was pretty delicious, so when I had to make something “breakfast-y” for today, I decided to turn more or less the exact same recipe into a coffee cake by adding a streusel topping. Equally as epic… and it doesn’t hurt that you can say that you had rum for breakfast on a Friday! 🙂
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Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Savory Snacks

French-style Onion and Bacon Tart

Stopping in quickly at this Friday lunchtime to share my little tart that I made this morning. I had some leftover bacon from something else that I didn’t miraculously just snack on, so I put together this little lunch. It’s like a quiche, yet not quite so eggy and more fillings. All in all, not a bad way to “use up bacon” (not that anyone ever has that problem). 🙂
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Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Caramel Rum Banana Bread

So, I’ve been trying to post this recipe for this absolutely magical Caramel Rum Banana Bread since it came out of the oven this morning. Every time I make a new variation on banana bread, I declare it to be “my new favorite”. but I think this one really tops it. It’s spectacularly yummy. And I’ve been snacking on it all day… banana bread, not just for breakfast anymore (it’s quite nice this afternoon with a cup of tea as well).
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