A few weeks ago, I made this awesome Caramel Rum Banana Bread. It was pretty delicious, so when I had to make something “breakfast-y” for today, I decided to turn more or less the exact same recipe into a coffee cake by adding a streusel topping. Equally as epic… and it doesn’t hurt that you can say that you had rum for breakfast on a Friday! 🙂
While this recipe isn’t necessarily Christmas-y, here I am making it making it as part of a Christmas Gift Basket. Not surprising, most of the things that I give for Christmas (besides The Cookies … capital T, capital C) are food or food related. But this recipe would work just as well in the late summer when zucchini and rosemary are at their peak. While it is sweet, it’s almost border-line savory as well, so might go well with soups and stews as well as eggs and bacon for breakfast.
Sunday Morning Breakfast: Seriously the easiest muffins ever. Bananas, pecans, a bit of oatmeal crumble. On the breakfast table, all warm and delightful, in under an hour (under 45 minutes if you hurry a bit).
So, in reference to the photo that looks like claws are coming to steal the muffins: my parents have this decorative metal lobster hanging on the porch railing, with the claws just above railing level. I thought that it was funny in a halloween like way, to have the clws coming up from the deal to steal my Banana Pecan Crunch Muffins. Nom. Happy Halloween. 🙂
So here we are on the day before I leave on vacation and I have half a dozen bananas that need eating. Or using. Or something. I suppose that I could just stick ’em in a ziplock bag and make banana bread later, but even though it is a wildly busy day, making banana bread was a bit of a creative outlet, so I stopped everything that I was doing and made this. Threw in some frozen cranberries too. Somewhat ironic that I am making something very autumn-ish on the last official day of summer, but whatever.
Last week, I was given a whole bunch of zucchini (aka courgette for all you other-English speakers out there). And I mean a whole lot… like 10 meals for a single girl. Thankfully, I have ideas on what to do with zucchini that doesn’t involve just stir-frying it or adding it to ratatouille. This is a cake, for example. A very lovely harvest, autumn like cake with loads of zucchini, ginger, orange and hazelnuts. It can be made into a bundt shape or loaves like banana bread. Very yummy and will now be my breakfast for the remainder of the week.