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Appetizers/Starters, Cookies, Savory Snacks, Sides

Parmesan Linzer “cookies” with Bourbon Pear Onion Jam

OK, another one of my more odd ball recipes. And I won’t lie to you: it was precipidated by the fact that I had a couple of pear-shaped cookie cutters. I know, rather silly. And then I found this interesting sounding Bourbon Pear Onion Jam from Stonewall Kitchen so these savory linzer cookies were born. They match well with cheese and wine or beer. They might not be for everyone, but they turned out quite nice, so I am pleased.
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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Soups

Curried Butternut Squash Soup

Ok, back from a little hiatus from blogging about food, but here I am again. The weather has been miserable, even for New England spring weather, so I made this butternut squash soup as comfort food. It’s lovely and super easy. Besides having to roast the squash for an hour (which is hands off) I think the whole thing took an additional 15 minutes beyond that. And you could use any other kind of squash or pumpkin too. The curry is super nice, so if you can, serve with naan (both Trader Joes and Whole Food sell some good naan, if you are so included).
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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Savory Snacks

Moroccan-Style Turkey Meatballs

In my attempt to expand my “flavor-profile” horizons, I decided to make these “Moroccan” meatballs. For the record, I don’t know that they have turkeys in Morocco (I am guessing more lamb?), so it’s more the flavors that I am going for in this recipe: cumin, coriander, paprika, nutmeg and cinnamon. An interesting combination, to be sure. But they turned out quite lovely. I’ve frozen a batch so when I have visitors in the next few weeks, they might be good as an appetizer or a snack. If going for the whole meal thing, service with cous cous. Nom.
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Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Savory Snacks

French-style Onion and Bacon Tart

Stopping in quickly at this Friday lunchtime to share my little tart that I made this morning. I had some leftover bacon from something else that I didn’t miraculously just snack on, so I put together this little lunch. It’s like a quiche, yet not quite so eggy and more fillings. All in all, not a bad way to “use up bacon” (not that anyone ever has that problem). 🙂
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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks, Sides

Sweet and Savory Rosemary and Spiced Fig Thumbprint “Cookies”

Ok, this is a bit of a random flavor profile, but run with it, shall we? Last weekend, when I went to Eataly, they had a huge section of Italian jams, mustards and chutneys. I was intrigued, and picked out a savory jam with figs and a little bit of onion and mustard seed. Not, it doesn’t taste mustardy, just savory. Anyway, what to do with said concoction? Well, one thing certainly would have been to eat it along with cheese and crackers, but I thought that I would make my own “crackers” (aka savory cookies) and ended up with rosemary and chili flakes in them. Fantastic! These are definitely an “eat with cheese” (or salami or olives) type of “cookie” but very tasty. Experiment successful? I’d say yes!
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