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Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Savory Snacks

Asparagus and Prosciutto Quiche

Springtime Lunch: Prosciutto wrapped Asparagus is a pretty classic combo and I happen to have Prosciutto in the house, so decided to go with a quiche for lunch. My quiche attempts have been hit-or-miss in the past, with some of them turning out quick dense. This one was light and fluffy though, and which a touch on the salty side (I should have compensated for the saltiness of the Prosciutto more), it was great. The recipe is written for a full-sized quiche (9 inch pan), but I just made a small one for me (6 inch pan). Lunch for tomorrow then too!
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Appetizers/Starters, Breads, Sweet Snacks

Butter-Rum Caramel-Walnut Banana Bread

Have you noticed this crazy phenomenon called Banana Bread? As a person who follows a lot of food websites, chefs, fellow-bloggers and newspaper food section watcher, there is this crazy phenomenon where, I swear the collective households of the entire US are baking banana bread. Here is an article that jumped on the bandwagen.

And seeing it is bread week here at CSPS, I might as well jump on the bandwagon and make some too, right? This is my second go at banana bread during this pandemic and subsequent quarantine time and this one is simply amazing! Browned butter = yum, spiced rum (ok, if I must), banana overload (goodie) and then caramel pieces (OMG!) and walnuts (optional, but still pretty darn good). It’s sort of like bananas foster without setting the thing on fire. If you have some bananas left over while you’re sheltering in place, definitely give this one a go! (PS: don’t overfill the pans; I’d rather go for two than have an overflow!)
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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks

Deviled Eggs Florentine, with Bacon

I should do my best Dr. Seuss impression call these Green Eggs and Ham Deviled Eggs, except they are with bacon, and not much rhymes with bacon, so I’ll just have to stick to boring old Develied Eggs Florentine. Eggs, Spinach and Bacon. Quite yummy and used up the last of my colored eggs from Easter. On to other adventures!
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Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Lunch, Salads, Savory Snacks, Sides

Smoked Salmon and Chives Deviled Eggs

You might be an overly poshy food blogger when, whilst making deviled eggs during a global pandemic, you think “oooh, I may have stashed smoked salmon in the freezer for an emergency!”

For the record, there is no such thing as a smoked salmon emergency. Ever. No matter how delish it is.

But, the deviled eggs are yummy. And my chives survived the winter.
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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Sides

Honey Berbere Chicken Wings

Here is another “Superbowl Weekend” food adventure: Hot Wings! Did you know that Americans eat 1.6 BILLION chicken wings on average, on Superbowl weekend? Crazy, right? These are with a homemade Berbere paste, which is an Ethiopian spice. Plus roasted peppers, onions, garlic and other spices. The wing sauce from that has a little bit of honey in it, so while they are spicy, they aren’t “blow your head off” spicy. The paste can also be used for meats (beef, pork, chicken or even fish) or a little bit could be put in a vinaigrette. Pleased with the result!
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