Monthly Archives

July 2023


Currant Quark Crumble Cake

Making the most of the very short currant season, I went PYO at Russell Orchards in Ipswich again. I am planning on making cassis (a flavored currant liqueur) again, so needed black currants for that, but the red currant bushes were overflowing with berries as well. This Currant Quark Crumble Cake is a combination of a coffee cake style (with lots of streusel / crumble), a cheese-cake layer with sweetened quark layer (you could also use cream cheese) and the fruit, which is a little like a muffin (like a blueberry muffin). Currants are very tart so you might have to adjust the sugar and honey to your liking. It is very yummy though; like summer sunshine.

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Kamut Wheat Cranberry
Walnut Breakfast Bread

As I mentioned recently, I have been experimenting with my new “stash” of Maine Grains. In addition, this is my standard Cranberry Walnut Breakfast Bread that I make almost every week. I swapped out the standard bread flour and a bit of whole wheat flour that I usually use to make it with the Maine Grains Kamut Ancient Grains wheat and it turned out fantastically. Moist, hearty and flavorful. I think it is a success. I will have to loop back with my “taste testers” to see what they think.

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Breads, General Reference/Tutorial

Swedish Honey Wheat Sourdough Loaf (Öland Wheat)

I’ve been experimenting, using my sourdough (Alice in Wondoughland) and some new-to-me and interesting flours from Maine Grains in Skowhegan, Maine. I am calling this one Swedish Honey Wheat Sourdough Loaf because it uses Öland Wheat. Öland is an island in the Baltic Sea where the Swedish Monarchy has their summer home (there will be a pop quiz on the names of the Swedish Monarchy later today, go study up). It a slightly nutty, slightly golden in color wheat, and I added some local honey (well, local to Cambridge Massachusetts, not to Öland, nor to Skowhegan) and came up with this lovely loaf. It’s delicious. The one thing that I am beginning to learn though, is that it takes a bit of trial and error when experimenting with new flours, to get the hydration levels just right. The first dough I made was a gloppy mess and I kept on overcompensating, and then the sourdough ratio was totally off. This attempt is better, but still a little too dense, but definitely flavorful.

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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Celebratory Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

Hey! Happy Independence Day / 4th of July, Everyone! Here are some Celebratory Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes for the day! Who knew that you can bake directly in ice cream cones. Learn something new every day. Would be cute for a children’s birthday party too. Swap out your favorite cake flavor — I made chocolate cake, but vanilla, strawberry or even lemon might do. Fun dessert for the holiday!

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