
What is this Crazy Project All About

On 10 August 2017, published a guide entitled 150 Things to do in Boston that are All About Eating and Drinking. It seems like a good excuse to go down a little adventure to try to do all the things on this list. Not all of them are “high end foodie” (having an iced coffee at Dunks is on the list!) but they are unique to the Boston area, so it seemed like a fun project.

Here are a few guidelines I have made for myself:
1. I will not do these in order, just as I get to them. Some are festivals that only happen once per year.
2. My deadline is January 1, 2020. I know that seems like a long way from August 2017, but trying to do 150 things in about 2 years and 5 months means 1-2 per week, which given “real life” might be a challenge.
3. Even if I have done the activity before (and there are a number of things on the list that I have done once, or even multiple times already) I will do them again, for the sake of this project.
4. I will photograph each activity and create a little write up.
5. I will maintain a spreadsheet, so you can keep track right along with me.

I will document this adventure here, so follow along!

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