Search results for

crumble bars

Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Yuzu Lemon Shortbread Crumble Bars

Me, and Crumble Bars, eh? Yep. thought I would make some more – these are Yuzu Lemon Shortbread Crumble Bars – and even though they aren’t exactly Easter-y, they are bright and tart and delicious. Never heard of Yuzu? Well, nor I had I until I tried some juice while at an Asian restaurant a while back. Yuzu is sometimes called a Japanese Lemon. Sometimes called a Korean Tangerine and has roughly been described to me as a mashup between a lemon, grapefruit and a mandarin, round, but lemon yellow. I’ve never had a fresh one, but the jam, extract and syrups are amazing.These crumble bars would be a great addition to an Easter dessert spread.

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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Pumpkin Butter Cinnamon Chip Oatmeal Crumble Bars

Yes, I know that I am sometimes known for my unique flavor combinations, but hear me out because these are great, if you can find the ingredients. Pumpkin Butter Cinnamon Chip Oatmeal Crumble Bars definitely need to be part of your autumn dessert or snack repertoire. Pumpkin butter can be bought (seasonally) at Trader Joe’s (online as well, and I have seen in some other specialty shops) and cinnamon chips are made by Hershey’s and I have found them (also in autumn) at Stop and Shop, Walmart and some other regular food shops where you normally would find the chocolate chips. They are a great little alternative to making a whole pumpkin pie and would also great on a cookie or snack platter. I was skeptical of the pumpkin butter, but it’s surprisingly good.

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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cherry Almond Oatmeal Crumble Bars

Haven’t been baking as much since Easter, and had company so what I was baking was more old-standbys. It’s remarkably hard to do recipe testing, writing and photography with a houseful of guests. That said, I’m back. With so many crab apple and cherry trees in blossom, I got to thinking … well, about crab apples and cherries, so I made these Cherry Almond Oatmeal Crumble Bars. A little tart, a little sweet, a little nutty and overall delicious.

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Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Gooseberry Pistachio Crumble Bars

Going back to an old stand-by as I am often doing. Here is yet another recipe for crumble bars, this time with gooseberries and pistachios. Just goes to show you that you can really use any fruit and nut combination. If you’ve never had a gooseberry, it’s a greenish or light pink (although there are also dark purple just not around here) berry. Quite tart. In German, they are called Stachelbeeren …. thorn berries …. because the vines have thorns on them. They are a member of the ribe family (as are currants) so they were banned in parts of the US for a long time and are just making a comeback (though there are still quite a few laws on the books outlawing mass growing of them). Anyway, delicious combo with the pistachios.

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