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Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Walnut Streusel Bread

Here’s a recipe for those people who want to make something special for a holiday (or run of the mill too) breakfast, but won’t wan to spend a lot of time fussing about in the kitchen. All told, this recipe only takes about 20 minutes or prep and an hour of baking. Start to finish in under 90 minutes. Walnut-y (can be subbed with pecans or even cashews) and cinnamon-y, but not too overwhelming. A Coffee-cake, but not really. At any rate, it’s yummy, nearly fool proof and pretty quick.

PS: fills a standard 9 x 5 inch loaf pan (my pan was a little bigger, which is why it doesn’t fill up). You could also make two smaller loaves. This Walnut Streusel Bread also freezes well.
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

The Christmas Cookies (Weihnachtsgebäck)

Christmas Cookies. Weihnachtsgebäck. It’s actually what I am most “famous” for. For those who don’t know the story, every year I bake thousands of Christmas Cookies over a three week or so period (this year it was around 6000, over 19 days — 115 hours in total). There are 19 types this year, 17 of which are “standards” and a few new ones to try out.

The recipes have all been on this site for a number of years, and they are scattered through many entries. I thought that it might be helpful for people who want to make their own cookies and are searching for the recipes to have them all in one place, so here are all the links. Happy Baking!
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Maple and Brown Sugar Apple Pie “To Feed A Crowd”

It’s not often that I have to serve pie to 30 people. I think that happens maybe once ever few years, actually. But tonight is an occasion that I need to present some of my goodies in front of a large group of people. I thought about just making cookies or brownies, but then I thought that a pie would be more impressive. Also, I thought that this might give people occasion to see a recipe that will work for Thanksgiving, if you are serving a whole lot of people. You will need a rimmed half-sheet pan, but I think that most home bakers will have that. Maple extract adds a lot to this recipe; my flat smells absolutely wonderful because of the boost of the maple syrup flavor.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Mini Pies in Jam Jar Lids

Here is one for all you arts and craftsy minded people out there: making mini-pies in jam jar lids. They are the perfect size, are oven safe and if you buy the pretty colored ones, are even great for presenting the little pies. The bottoms come off the Mason-jar style, so it’s also super easy to pop the pie out for those 1-2 bites. In theory, they are reusable, but because they are so cheap, who cares if one or two go missing!
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