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Surprise Inside Meyer Lemon Cupcakes

Easter Cupcakes 2016: a few years ago, I started a random new tradition of baking Easter themed cupcakes — wth flowers or birds nests or rabbit ears or … well, sommething Easter-y. This year there are three kinds. Enjoy!
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Blueberry Almond Linzer Cookies

Here’s something to cheer up a Monday afternoon, first Monday of Spring (one where Boston saw “a plowable snow event”, as they so eloquently say these days). Millefleur of Blueberry Almond Linzer Cookies. OK, I didn’t actually make a thousand of them, but they are cute and small and a batch of cookie dough did make a whole bunch. Similar to may of the linzer cookies I make, these have a double dose of almond (almond extract and almond meal) as well as double blueberry (blueberry sugar and blueberry jam).
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Deluxe Double Chip Butterscotch Chocolate Chip Cookies

In honor of the Most Interesting Man Alive announcing his retirement, and his signature line: I normally don’t make big (as in, larger than my hand) cookies, but when I do, they might as well be these here Deluxe Double Chip Butterscotch Chocolate Chip Cookies. Because they’re delicious.
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